Seniors Services
As of 2021, about one in four residents of the City of Peterborough were over the age of 65. Peterborough’s population is slightly older than that of the Province of Ontario as a whole. Older adults living in the City of Peterborough enjoy a range of services and programs including:

Social and affordable housing units available specifically to seniors in the City of Peterborough can be accessed through the Housing Resources Centre. There are 8 registered retirement homes in the City of Peterborough. Retirement homes are privately operated and provide varying levels of health and support services including personal care support, fitness activities, and meal service. You can search for registered retirement homes through the Retirement Home Regulatory Authority.
There are four long-term care homes in the City of Peterborough. Long-term care homes are government-funded housing facilities that provide more intensive forms of health and personal support.
Health and Community Services
There is one regional hospital in the City of Peterborough: The Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC). PRHC offers emergency medical services, and various screening and treatment services. PRHC also houses a number of clinics that offer specialized geriatric services.
Physician services in Peterborough are coordinated through the Peterborough Family Health Team. Family and community health services are also offered locally through the 360 Degree Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic.
Specialized community-support programs for seniors are available through a number of local non-profit charitable organizations including Community Care Peterborough, VON, Alzheimer Society, the Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, the Canadian Mental Health Association, and the Canadian Hearing Services.
Income Supports
The Federal Government of Canada provides income-based services and benefits for seniors including Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), and Guaranteed Income Support (GIS). Service Canada, a federal agency, administers these programs.
Information Services
211 Ontario provides up-to-date information about social and health service organizations across Ontario. The service can be accessed online or by dialling 2-1-1 on the telephone.
The Age-friendly Peterborough (AFP) works to ensure that older adults’ basic needs are met; that they can get around the community; are supported to build and maintain relationships; and have the opportunity, to learn, grow, and contribute.
The Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility publishes a comprehensive guide to services and programs for seniors in Ontario.
Recreation Programs
There are three seniors’ activity centres in the City of Peterborough that offer a variety of social and recreational opportunities tailored to older adults: Activity Haven, Mapleridge Recreation Centre, and the McDonnel St. Activity Centre.
Recreation programs for older adults are also available at the three major recreation facilities in the City: the Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre, the Balsillie Family Branch YMCA, and the Trent Athletics Centre.
The Peterborough Public Library offers programs for older adults, including book clubs and computer training workshops. The library collection also includes a variety of large-format print books and audiobooks.