For calendars containing year-round local events, please see our Local News and Events section.

Temperature: Average high of -3.5°C, with an average low of -14.1°C. Winds can often make temperatures drop to below -20°C, a phenomenon called the wind chill factor.
Weather Conditions: January is the coldest month of the year in Peterborough. Expect snow, ice, and wind.
Clothing Needed: Hat, mittens, winter boots, winter coat, snow pants (snowsuit for children).
Public Holidays: January 1st – New Year’s Day
Community Events: January 1 – Hogmanay, January Snofest
- Remember to shovel and salt your driveway, sidewalk and any outside stairs, to prevent slips and falls.
- School days may be cancelled by extreme weather conditions, any cancellations will be announced on the radio and/or local television stations.

Temperature: Average high of -2.1°C, with an average low of -13.3°C. Winds can often make temperatures drop to below -20°C, a phenomenon called the wind chill factor.
Weather Conditions: February is a cold month. Also expect snow, rain, ice, and wind.
Clothing Needed: Hat, mittens, winter boots, winter coat, snow pants (snowsuit for children).
Public Holidays: Third Monday of February – Family Day
Other Important Dates: February 14 – Valentine’s Day
Community Events: Heart Month
- Remember to shovel and salt your driveway, sidewalk and any outside stairs, to prevent slips and falls.
- School days may be cancelled by extreme weather conditions, any cancellations will be announced on the radio and/or local television stations.

Temperature: Average high of 3.4°C, with an average low of -7.3°C
Weather Conditions: March is the month of the year that marks the official beginning of the spring season. Expect temperatures to rise slightly with an increase in rain and a decrease in snow.
Clothing Needed: Hat, mittens, shoes, water-proof boots, warm coat, raincoat and an umbrella
Public Holidays: The first Sunday after the first full moon on or before March 21st (can fall in April) – Easter (Good Friday and Easter Monday)
Community Events: Irish Heritage Week in the middle of the month, and Earth Hour – an international event held on the last Saturday of March.
- Daylight Savings Time – The second Sunday in March at 2:00 am clocks go ahead one hour (e.g. 2:00 am becomes 3:00 am).
- You will need to shovel and salt your driveway, sidewalk and any outside stairs, to prevent slips and falls.
- School March Break

Temperature: Average high of 11.4°C, with an average low of 0°C
Weather Conditions: April is the beginning of spring in Peterborough; expect warmer days with cold evenings and nights. In April, there is a lot of rain and very little snowfall.
Clothing Needed: Hat, mittens, shoes, water-proof boots, warm coat, raincoat and an umbrella
Public Holidays: The first Sunday after the first full moon on or before March 21st (can fall in March) – Easter (Good Friday and Easter Monday)
Other Important Dates: April 1 – April Fools’ Day
Community Events: April is Daffodil Month for the Canadian Cancer Society, Earth Week falls in the second last week of April
- With warm days and cold nights, maple sugaring will start. Experience some of the Maple Syrup festivals in the area.
- It is time to start thinking about your garden if you have one. If you don’t have one, consider joining one of the community gardens in the Peterborough Community Garden Network or the New Canadians Centre Garden.

Temperature: Average high of 18.8°C, with an average low of 5.9°C
Weather Conditions: May typically experience no snowfall, but is still cooler than the summer months. May can be a rainy month but has a lot of sunshine.
Clothing Needed: Sandals, shoes, a light jacket, and an umbrella
Public Holidays: Last Monday before or on May 24th – Victoria Day
Other Important Dates: 2nd Sunday in May – Mother’s Day
Community Events: Doors Open Peterborough, the first week in May, Rotary Club Victoria Day Fireworks & Family Night, Hiawatha First Nation Annual Pow Wow take place on the May long weekend and Arts Week.
- Take your vehicle in for a check-up and have your vehicle’s snow tires changed for summer or all-season tires.
- This is a good month for spring cleaning, turning off your home’s heating and starting your garden.

Temperature: Average high of 23.4°C, with an average low of 10.1°C
Weather Conditions: June is the start of the warm summer weather in Peterborough. Expect warm days and nights, with some rainfall. This month marks the official start of summer.
Clothing Needed: Sandals, shoes, a light jacket and an umbrella
Other Important Dates: 3rd Sunday in June – Father’s Day; June 26 – National Canoe Day
Community Events: Dragon Boat Festival – June 10, 2017, Multicultural Festival – End of June
- This is the last month of school for elementary and high school students before their summer vacation starts.
- The weather is very hot. Consider purchasing an air conditioner or a fan to cool your home.
- Remember to apply sunblock/sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.

Temperature: Average high of 26.2°C, with an average low of 12.6°C. Temperatures can often feel much higher because of high humidity, a phenomenon called the humidex factor.
Weather Conditions: July is the hottest and most humid month of the year in Peterborough. Expect hot days and warm nights with very little rain.
Clothing Needed: Hat, sandals, shoes and sunglasses
Public Holidays: July 1st – Canada Day
Community Events: July-August, every Wednesday and Saturday – Peterborough Musicfest; July 1 – Canada Day Parade and Lessons From the Land; Peterborough Pulse – Mid-July
- Check the Peterborough Kawarthas Tourism Events calendar and the New Canadians Centre Events Calendar weekly for special events.
- Remember to apply sunblock/sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.

Temperature: Average high of 24.9°C, with an average low of 11.4°C. Temperatures can often feel much higher because of high humidity, a phenomenon called the humidex factor.
Weather Conditions: August is similar to July, with the only difference being slightly lower temperatures. Expect hot days with warm nights, and little rainfall.
Clothing Needed: Hat, sandals, shoes and sunglasses
Public Holidays: First Monday of August – Peter Robinson Day (Civic Holiday)
Community Events: July-August, every Wednesday and Saturday – Peterborough Musicfest, Last week in August – Peterborough Folk Festival
- Check the Peterborough Kawarthas Tourism Events calendar and the New Canadians Centre Events Calendar weekly for special events.
- This is the last month of summer vacation for students.
- Prepare your children for going back to school in September. If your child needs school supplies, you can take advantage of the back-to-school sales.
- If your child is starting school, now is the time to register at a local school.
- Remember to apply sunblock/sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.

Temperature: Average high of 20.1°C, with an average low of 7.0°C
Weather Conditions: September is the end of the hot summer weather in Peterborough and is officially the start of autumn. Typically the start of the month is warm with cooler temperatures near the end of the month.
Clothing Needed: Sandals, shoes, a light jacket and an umbrella
Public Holidays: First Monday in September – Labour Day
Community Events: Autumn Studio Tour, the third week of September, Pride Parade in mid-September
- School begins for children in kindergarten through to grade 12.
- University and College students also start their fall term within the first few weeks of September.
- All of the leaves begin to change colour.

Temperature: Average high of 13.3°C, with an average low of 1.3°C
Weather Conditions: October marks the arrival of colder weather in Peterborough. Near the end of the month, the days and nights become cooler and there may be some snowfall.
Clothing Needed: Hat, mittens, shoes, water-proof boots, warm coat, raincoat and an umbrella
Public Holidays: Second Monday in October – Thanksgiving Day
Other Important Dates: October 31 – Halloween
- This is the time when many communities hold Fall fairs and festivals. Check to see if there are any nearby.
- This is a good month to change your vehicle’s summer or all-season tires for winter tires and get a check-up at the same time.
- Fall cleaning is also popular this month and it is a time to clean up your garden.
- All of the leaves begin to change colour.

Temperature: Average high of 6.0°C, with an average low of -2.7°C
Weather Conditions: November weather is typically cold and wet – either from rain, snow or a mix of the two. Expect cold nights, cool days and snowfall.
Clothing Needed: Hat, mittens, winter boots, water-proof boots, winter coat, raincoat and an umbrella
Public Holidays: November 11th – Remembrance Day
- Daylight Savings Time – The first Sunday in November at 2:00 am clocks go back one hour (e.g. 2:00 am becomes 1:00 am).

Temperature: Average high of -0.5°C, with an average low of -10.0°C. Winds can often make temperatures drop to below -15°C, a phenomenon called the wind chill factor.
Weather Conditions: December is the month that marks the official start of winter. Expect heavier snowfall and cold with windy and icy conditions.
Clothing Needed: Hat, mittens, winter boots, winter coat, snow pants (snowsuit for children)
Public Holidays: December 25th – Christmas Day, December 26th – Boxing Day
Community Events: First Saturday of December at 6:00 pm – Peterborough Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade
- Check for Christmas Fairs and events as many organizations will be holding seasonal events.
- Schools close (typically in the last week of the month) for a winter break.
- The last day of the month is New Year’s Eve.